H24. Anagnostopoulou A., Gritzalis D., Mavridis I., Kantas N., "Smart environments: Information flow control in smart grids", in Security and Privacy in Smart Environments, S. Katsikas et al. (Eds.), Springer, 2024 (to appear).
H23. Leventopoulos S., Gritzalis D., Stergiopoulos G., "Malware as a geopolitical tool", in Malware - Handbook of Prevention and Detection Gritzalis D., Choo K.-K. R., Patsakis C. (Eds.), Springer (Advances in Information Security), 2024 (to appear).
H22. Vasilellis E., Anagnostopoulou A., Adamos K., "Exploring Steganography methods in games for covert malware delivery", in Malware - Handbook of Prevention and Detection Gritzalis D., Choo K.-K. R., Patsakis C. (Eds.), Springer (Advances in Information Security), 2024 (to appear).
H21. Gkotsis I., Gazi A., Gritzalis D., Stergiopoulos G., et al. “Securing the European Gas Network: The Greek Business Case”, in: Technology Development for Security Practitioners Akhgar B., et al. (Eds.), pp. 357-373, Springer (Security Informatics & Law Enforcement Series), June 2021.
H20. Dedousis P., Stergiopoulos G., Gritzalis D., “An improved bit masking technique to enhance covert channel attacks in everyday IT systems", in ICETE-2020, Obaidat M., et al. (Eds.), Springer, April 2021.
H19. Gritzalis D., Theocharidou M., Stergiopoulos G. (Eds.), Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience - Theories, Methods, Tools & Technologies, Springer (Advanced Sciences & Technologies for Security Applications Series), 2019 (https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-00024-0).
H18. Lykou G., Iakovakis G., Gritzalis D., "Aviation Cybersecurity and Cyber-Resilience: Assessing Risk in Air Traffic Management", in Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience, Gritzalis D. et al. (Eds.), pp. 245-260, Springer (Advanced Sciences & Technologies for Security Applications Series), 2019.
H17. Tsalis N., Vasilellis E., Mentzelioti D., Apostolopoulos T, "A Taxonomy of Side Channel Attacks on Critical Infrastructures and Relevant Systems", in Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience, Gritzalis D., et al. (Eds.), pp. 283-313, Springer (Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications), 2019.
H16. Mitrou L., Drogkaris P., Leventakis G., "Perceptions of videosurveillance in Greece", in Privacy and Security: Citizens’ Perspectives, M. Friedewald, et al.(Eds.), pp. 123-138, 2017.
H15. Stergiopoulos G., Katsaros P., Gritzalis D., "Execution path classification for vulnerability analysis and detection", in E-Business and Telecommunications, Obaidat M., et al. (Eds.), pp. 293-317, Springer (CCIS 585), March 2016 (preprint version).
H14. Stergiopoulos G., Theocharidou M., Kotzanikolaou P., Gritzalis D., "Using centrality measures in dependency risk graphs for efficient risk mitigation", in Critical Infrastructure Protection IX, Shenoi S., et al. (Eds.), pp. 25-40, Springer, 2015.
H13. Tsalis N., Virvilis N., Mylonas A., Apostolopoulos T., Gritzalis D., "Browser Blacklists: The Utopia of Phishing Protection", in E-Business and Telecommunications, Obaidat M., et al. (Eds.), pp. 278-293, Springer (CCIS-554), April 2015. (preprint version).
H12. Kandias M., Mitrou L., Stavrou V., Gritzalis D., "YouTube user and usage profiling: Stories about political horror and security success", in E-Business and Telecommunications, Obaidat M., et al. (Eds.), pp. 270-289, Springer (CCIS-456), September 2014 (preprint version).
H11. Kotzanikolaou P., Theoharidou M., Gritzalis D., “Risk assessment of multi-order interdependencies between critical information and communication infrastructures”, in Critical Information Infrastructure Protection and Resilience in the ICT Sector, pp. 151-170, Theron P., Bologna S. (Eds.), IGI Global, February 2013.
H10. Mylonas A., Dritsas S., Tsoumas B., Gritzalis D., “On the feasibility of malware attacks in smartphone platforms”, in Security and Cryptography, M. Obaidad, et al. (Eds.), pp. 217-232, Springer Lecture Notes (CCIS-314), 2012.
Η09. Coles-Kemp L., Theoharidou M., “Insider Threat and Information Security Management”, in Insider Threats in Cyber Security, Series: Advances in Information Security, Vol. 49, pp. 45-72, Probst C.W., Hunker J., Gollmann D.(Eds.), 1st Edition., Springer, 2010.
H08. Marias G., Mitrou L., Theoharidou M., Soupionis Y., Ehlert S., Gritzalis D., "SIP vulnerabilities for SPIT, SPIT identification criteria, anti-SPIT mechanisms evaluation framework and Legal Issues", in IP Handbook: Services, Technologies, and Security of Session Initiation Protocol, pp. 457-480, Ilyas M., et al. (Eds.), CRC Press, USA, November 2009 (preprint version).
H07. Rebahi Y., Dritsas S., Golubenko T., Pannier B., Juell J.-F., "A conceptual architecture for SPIT mitigation", in IP Handbook: Services, Technologies, and Security of Session Initiation Protocol,Ilyas M., Ahson S. (Eds.), CRC Press, USA, 2008.
H06. Gritzalis, D., Tsoumas, V., "An assurance-by-ontology paradigm proposal: Elements of security knowledge management", in Information Assurance and Computer Security (NATO Security through Science Series, D: Information and Communication Security), Vol. 6, pp. 15-30, Johnson T. (Ed.), IOS Press, The Netherlands, 2006.
H05. Gritzalis D., Kokolakis S., "Security Policy Development for Healthcare Information Systems", in Advanced Health Telematics and Telemedicine, pp. 105-110, B. Blobel, et al. (Eds.), IOS Press, The Netherlands, October 2003.
H04. Allaert F.-A., et al. (Eds.), Security Standards for Healthcare Information Systems, IOS Press, The Netherlands, July 2002.
α). Kokolakis S., Gritzalis D., Katsikas S., "Why we need Standardization in Healthcare Security", pp. 7-12 (Chapter 2).
β). Kokolakis S., Gritzalis D., Katsikas S., Ottes F., "Overview on security standards for Healthcare Information Systems", pp. 13-22 (Chapter3).
γ). Gritzalis D., Katsikas S., Kokolakis S., "A preliminary standard for High Level Security Policies for Healthcare Establishments", pp. 23-48 (Chapter 4).
H03. Gritzalis D., Mavroudakis K., Katsikas S., "Developing a European Computer Security Incident Reporting Service for Health Care", in Implementing Secure Healthcare Telematics Applications in Europe, The ISHTAR Consortium (Eds.), pp. 181-249, IOS Press, The Netherlands, December 2001.
H02. Katsikas S., Gritzalis D., "High Level Security Policy Guidelines", in Data Security for Health Care, The SEISMED Consortium (Eds.), Volumes I, II and III (Chapters I.4, II.4, III.4), IOS Press, The Netherlands 1995.
H01. Κιουντούζης Ε., Αλεξανδρής Ν., Τραπεζάνογλου Β. (Eπ. Επιμ.), Ασφάλεια Πληροφοριών: Τεχνικά, κοινωνικά και νομικά θέματα, Εκδόσεις Νέων Τεχνολογιών, Αθήνα 1995 (3η ανατύπωση 2002).
α). Σ. Κάτσικας, Δ. Γκρίτζαλης, Ασφάλεια Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων Υγείας, σελ. 179-204.
β). Δ. Γκρίτζαλης, Ιομορφικό Λογισμικό: Δομή, δράση, συνέπειες, αντιμετώπιση, σελ. 205-229.
γ). Δ. Μαρούλης, Δ. Γκρίτζαλης, Σ. Κάτσικας, Ο ρόλος της Εμπιστης Τρίτης Οντότητας στην Ασφάλεια Δικτύων, σελ. 261-272.
δ). Ν. Αλεξανδρής, Δ. Γκρίτζαλης, Ε. Κιουντούζης, Μια προσέγγιση της κοινωνικά αποδεκτής αξιοποίησης της Πληροφορική, σελ. 381-396.